If having reactive conversations has become common for you, it would be good to know...
Which phrases can make the situation worse
Starting a conversation with accusations and judgments might not be a good idea if you want to find a solution with the other person. Some words and phrases can be transformed to generate different results.
What to do before entering the conversation
Connecting with how you feel about the situation and what you are concretely seeking from the conversation can help you a lot. In the Ebook guide, I help you with this!
How to deal with emotions
Difficult conversations tend to provoke feelings like anger, anxiety, and fear, which can be challenging to manage. In the Ebook, you will find tips on how to deal with this and develop your emotional intelligence.
Your main support for your next reactive conversation:
✓ A step-by-step guide filled with tips and practices for you to try in your next conversation
✓ Real-life examples illustrating the best approaches in a conversation with high emotional intensity
✓ 8 steps on how to truly listen and connect empathetically with anyone (even those you don’t like)
Get the Ebook and prepare for your next conversation
✓ A complete Ebook with step-by-step guidance to help you prepare for your next reactive conversation
✓ Practical tips with examples and explanations on how to apply them in your routine
✓ Comprehensive lists of feelings and needs that will support you in the conversation and help you build a new, effective vocabulary
O Programa tem suporte?Sim! Você poderá enviar todas as suas dúvidas dentro da área de membros do curso, abaixo de cada aula, que iremos te responder sempre o mais rápido possível!
Após ter feito a compra, como receberei o produto?Você receberá o acesso pelo e-mail, que você cadastrou no momento da compra. Depois de receber, basta clicar no link do e-mail para acessar a área de membros do curso.
As aulas são online? Quantas vezes posso assistir?Sim, as aulas são 100% online e você pode assisti-las quantas vezes quiser e na hora que desejar.
Existe algum momento de encontro online síncrono?Sim, há um Grupo de Prática de CNV ativo que é aberto para todas as pessoas que estão participando do programa. São encontros que ocorrem quinzenalmente e você pode se inscrever dentro da plataforma do Programa assim que ingressar.
Por quanto tempo terei acesso ao Programa?O acesso ao Programa é válido por 12 meses. Se desejar, ao término desse período, poderá optar por renovar.
O que é Comunicação Não Violenta (CNV)?É uma prática sistematizada pelo psicólogo americano Marshall Rosenberg que nos convida a buscar mais consciência e compreensão sobre nossos pensamentos, sentimentos e necessidades para expressá-los com mais clareza e assertividade para nós mesmos e para os outros. Além disso, a prática da CNV também nos apoia a ter um tipo de escuta que gera conexão empática com as outras pessoas
Who You Will Learn From
My name is Ivan Petry, I am a group facilitator and teacher, and I have been dedicated for over 7 years to the practice and teaching of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and socio-emotional skills.
I have thousands of students across Brazil and have worked with dozens of organizations such as Correios, Pipefy, Federal Court, Leroy Merlin, and the Court of Accounts.
In my Master's degree in Administration at UFPR, I study the impact of teaching NVC in organizations.
*Nonviolent Communication is a specific process developed by psychologist and international mediator Marshall Rosenberg, based on language and communication skills. There are several scientific articles that provide evidence of the effectiveness of this practice in improving interpersonal relationships at work.